Week 5

This week in the blossom group, it has been very exciting as we have been doing things that we haven't done together before. The children wanted to paint some butterflies so we painted half and folded to paper to make all the wings identical and symmetrical! The children’s butterflies turned out so beautiful and unique. We also worked together to make some playdough measuring and mixing the ingredients. One big group decision was made to make the playdough orange so we had to mix up yellow and red to create a beautiful bright orange. 
The children in this family group are big bingo fans, so I made up a couple different boards for them to play, and with their amazing paired work they all managed to call bingo! We also experimented with some bubble paint by mixing paint, water and washing up liquid. We used flower cutters for printing, and when the paint was dry the children worked their magic and made it into a summery picture with their lovely flowers! 

We are really cherishing these last few weeeks with each other, well done everyone.