

Message from our Chair of Governors


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As Chair, I would like to wish you a very warm welcome from the Governing Body at Birchfield Nursery School.


We are a committed and active Governing Body who play a pivotal role in the life and work of the school.  Each of our governors brings with them essential skillls, that they put to good use in working with the Headteacher and the school team in monitoring activities and progress in the school.  Although our core role is very much about making significant and key strategic decisions, we all also enjoy being involved in celebrating school events.


All staff and governors work together creating a safe and vibrant learning environment in which your child can reach their potential and benefit from an exceptional standard of early year education provision.


We value your role as parents and carers and through our parental respresentatives on the Governing Body seek to ensure that parent and pupil voice forms part of any decision making.


On a personal level, I have been involved in supporting education across all phases for alomost 40 years and bring this experience as part of the key role as Chair of Governors.  I am passionate that every child regardless of their background has the chance to make the most of their abilities and has the best journey through education that we can possibly provide.


Kind regards


Ian Kirkham




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