Week 5

We have had a really enjoyable week this week, playing lots of fun games. One of our favourites is bingo and the children work really well with a partner, recognising the numbers on their number boards until it is full and we get to shout BINGO! They also enjoyed matching me, where they had to match the same amount of cubes as I had hidden under the tub when they had only got a quick look. This game is all about subitising and I have to say they all smashed subitising up to 5! Another one we have enjoyed is which one is missing. I would hide some  objects under a blanket, take one away and the children would have to remember which one was missing. I really tried my best to challenging them but they were too good! Alongside all these games we have been reading some Oliver Jeffers stories, peer massage and pen disco. What a fabulous week we all had! Well done everyone!