Week 4

This week has been a scorcher and we have enjoyed every second!

In maths we have been consolidating our knowledge surrounding 2D and 3D shapes. We used lots of different 2D shapes to create pictures of houses, castles, rockets and many more. We used a triangle for the roof, sqaures for the windows and a rectangle for the door. We then worked in pairs to see if we could complete our own picture with 2D shapes using our positional language to descrbie where to put each shape.

For our LCC sessions this week we have enjoyed sharing our holiday pictures and talking about our favourite summer holiday memories. We even looked at a map of the world to compare where we live in the United Kingdom and the countires that we visit for our holidays. Lots of us have enjoyed hot, sunny holidays by the beach!

To finish off our week we played our favourite game cross the river! We each had a green word card and in order to cross the river we had to fred talk and read the word! We were amazing and all made it safely to the other side of the river!