Week 4

The sun has been scorching and we have enjoyed every second of our week!

In maths we have been consolidating our knowledge surrounding 2D and 3D shapes. We started the week with some teamwork and we used lots of different 2D shapes to create a picture such as a house, a castle, a rocket and many more. We had to listen carefully to our partners and take it in turns to place the shapes above, next top, in front or behind to make our picture come to life.

In our LCC sessions we have been looking at our holiday pictures and sharing our memories from our favourite summer holidays. We have been looking at the map of the world and locating where the UK is and where all our holiday destinations are. We were shocked to see that the United Kingdom is just a small country on our map! We even talk about the equator and how all our hot countires are near the equator and the cold countries are at the top and the bottom of our map!

This week we had the chance to bake our ice cream cakes! First we looked at our recipe to check we had all the correct ingredients and then we used the scales to carefully measure out the correct amounts. We had so much fun mixing and pouring our mixture into our cupcake cases and the nursery smelt amazing! Then it was time to decorate the top of our cakes using the piping bag to sqeeze our buttercream onto the top and to finish we added our sprinkles. Some of us couldn't resist a small taste and had fun licking the buttercream from our fingers.