Week 4

This week in maths we have been focusing on consolidating numbers 0-5. We played a game of cross the river. In this game the children had to jump and cross the river if they have something that represented a number I called out, this could have been items such as 5 building blocks and 3 teddy bears.
Whilst the weather has been so warm this week we have been making the most of moving our groups outside in the shade. On Wednesday, we went outside to read a story under the tree. 
In phonics, we took our rhyming games outside and we played a game of corners, the children had to run to the correct corners that had the word that rhymed with the one I called out. In phonics, we have now moved on to listening and identifying syllables. We have been using out feet to stomp the syllables in certain words to help us identify them.

We have also been taking part in dough disco sessions. This help the children strengthen their fine motor skills and build the muscles in their hands to later enable them to develop their pencil grip and writing skills