Week 4

We have had a fantastic week, and the weather has certainly helped! This week we have taken part in our weekly music and movement session on Tuesday and on Wednesday, with the weather being so glorious, we had our dance lesson outside (we are working on a surprise for the end of the year but cannot say too much!!). Following on from our colour mixing last week, the children made sun catchers by overlapping primary coloured cellophane. The children were amazed to see green, orange and purple as they held their sun catcher up to the light. We also used primary coloured ice paint to create colours outside. This also became a science experiment as the children watched the ice melt away in the heat. 
We have talked lots about holidays, and used a world map and a globe to choose where we'd like to visit. We learned new words such as; hemisphere, country, continent and equator as we used the map. 

I have promised the children two days off on Saturday and Sunday as they've worked their socks off!
Have a lovely weekend!