Week 3

This week, we have become experts in colour mixing following on from our big question. We thought carefully about what we already knew about primary and secondary colours, including how to lighten a colour using white. During our independent learning time, some children found some beautiful flowers! The children described their colour as lilac and violet. Lottie wanted to know how we could make that colour, so as part of our group time we explored making it. 

In maths, we have been consolidating what we know about numbers to 10. We used tens frames and subitising to find addition facts and then following the children's learning this lead onto finding out about doubles! 

We are becoming very confident writing words...ask us to show you at home!

The children have been very keen to climb trees and we have some very strong trees in Birchfield, so we talked in our group about how we can climb safely by risk assessing before they do and during their climb. I loved listening to them helping each other and reminding them about how to be safe!