Week 2

This week we have continued to look at our Summer Topic! We started the week by talking about all the different ways that we can stay cool in the hot weather! We thought about eating ice lollies, making fans and wearing summer dresses and shorts. In maths we have been learning about postional language, we started the week by reading Rosies Walk and using our Rosie puppet to put her on top, under, over, next to, infront and behind her nest and egg. We then worked in pairs using our positional language to explain to our partner where we wanted them to place the bear in relation to the cube. We really enjoyed seeing if our partner could follow our instructions! In phonics we have started our word time sessions, using all our knowledge from our speed sound sessions to now read CVC words. We also enjoyed our weekly music and movement session where we all turned into Superheroes! We looked at timbre which is where we change our voices and expression to sound happy, sad and angry. We had lots of fun making our 5 superheroes all sound different as our song continued.