Week 2

This week we have continued to learn about our season Summer! We have talked about all the different ways that we can keep cool during the hot summer months. We came up with some wonderful ideas such as wearing sunhats, eating ice cream and even swimming in the pool. We have been very creative this week and made our own Van Gogh sunflowers learning how to use our watercolour paints to recreate our own sunflower paintings. We also worked as a team to complete our summer dominos game, taking it in turns to match our buckets, sandcastles, sunshine, flipflops and many more. In maths this week we have been looking at postional language and we used the story Rosies walk and our Rosie puppet to place her on top, under, next to, over, in front and behind her nest and her egg. In phonics we have continued to use our Fred talk to identify all the items that were in my treasure chest.