Week 2

The Elm group has continued to explore rhyming words this week. The children loved listening to the story 'The Cat and the Rat and the Hat,' which allowed them to really focus on one set of rhyming words. This was then followed up during a game of rhyme Bingo with the same words/pictures.

This week, we kicked off our shape learning journey with a lot of fun and interactive activities! We played games of guessing the shape and 'splatting' the shape, and discovered the unique number of sides a circle, square, rectangle, and triangle have. 

Our 'BIG' question this week is all about how to keep cool in Summer. As a group, we have shared ideas of how having ice cream, wearing a hat, staying in the shade, or using fans can help us stay cool as the weather gets hotter.  

We even had time to make pizza as a follow-up from one of our maths sequencing sessions last week. 

Wow what a busy week we have had Elms, I look forward to lots more next week.